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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

* 질문 등록 시 다음의 내용을 꼭 기입하여 주세요.

Linux 64bit
큐브리드 매니저
응용 환경(API)
java, php, odbc 등 입력

* CUBRID 응용 오류, SQL 오류 또는 SQL 튜닝 관련된 문의는 반드시 다음의 내용을 추가해 주세요. 비밀글이나 비밀 댓글도 가능합니다.
* 저희가 상황을 이해하고, 재현이 가능해야 알 수 있는 문제들이 많습니다. 가능한 정보/정황들을 부탁합니다.


에러 내용 및 재현 방법 재현 가능한 Source와 SQL
관련 테이블(인덱스, 키정보 포함) 정보 CUBRID 홈 디렉토리 아래 log 디렉토리 압축

-------------- 아래에 질문 사항을 기입해 주세요. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cubrid hb start를 하면

아래와 같은 메시지가 나오고 db start가 되지 않습니다.


cubrid@acdev-H81H3-M4:~/cubrid_10.1/databases$ cubrid hb start
@ cubrid heartbeat start
@ HA processes start
@ cubrid server start: devArchiveDB

This may take a long time depending on the amount of recovery works to do.


++ cubrid server start: success
@ copylogdb start
++ copylogdb start: success
@ applylogdb start
++ applylogdb start: success
++ HA processes start: fail

The heartbeat feature has been deactivated. Please wait until all shutdown processes of cub_servers are completed.

++ cubrid heartbeat start: fail


cubrid_ha.conf는 아래와 같습니다.

각 서버의 hostname은 /etc/hosts에 등록해 놓았습니다.





  • ?
    오명환 2022.05.12 13:46
    $CUBRID/conf/cubrid.conf 안에 다음과 같이 설정해주세요.

  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.12 14:05
    네 그렇게 설정해 놨습니다.
    아래와 같이 설정해 놨습니다.
    # HA 구성 시 추가 (HA 모드)

  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.12 14:21
    acdev-H81H3-M4_master.err 에러를 보면 아래와 같이 되어 있습니다.

    home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 4860 CODE = -986 Tran = -1, EID = 58
    CUBRID heartbeat feature started.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 6174 ERROR CODE = -990 Tran = -1, EID = 59
    Command execution: activate. Success.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 3983 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 60
    Process event: Registered as local process entries. Success (pid:560, state:registered_and_standby, args:cub_server devArchiveDB )

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 3983 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 61
    Process event: Registered as local process entries. Success (pid:918, state:registered, args:cub_admin copylogdb -L /home/cubrid/CUBRID- -m async devArchiveDB@archivecenter )

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 3983 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 62
    Process event: Registered as local process entries. Success (pid:920, state:registered, args:cub_admin applylogdb -L /home/cubrid/CUBRID- --max-mem-size=500 devArchiveDB@localhost )

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 3796 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 63
    Process event: Process failure detected. (pid:920, args:cub_admin applylogdb -L /home/cubrid/CUBRID- --max-mem-size=500 devArchiveDB@localhost )

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 1103 ERROR CODE = -988 Tran = -1, EID = 64
    Node event: Failover completed.

    Time: 05/12/22 14:20:15.634 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 1117 ERROR CODE = -988 Tran = -1, EID = 65
    Node event: HA Node Info
    * group_id : cubrid host_name : acdev-H81H3-M4 state : master
    name priority state score missed heartbeat
    archivecenter 2 replica 32767 0
    acdev-H81H3-M4 1 to-be-master -4095 0


    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 4083 ERROR CODE = -1040 Tran = -1, EID = 66
    HA generic: Send changemode request to the server. (state:1[active], args:[cub_server devArchiveDB ], pid:560).

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 4128 ERROR CODE = -1040 Tran = -1, EID = 67
    HA generic: Receive changemode response from the server. (state:2[to-be-active], args:[cub_server devArchiveDB ], pid:560).

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 6082 CODE = -990 Tran = -1, EID = 68
    Command execution: deactivate. CUBRID heartbeat starts to shutdown all HA processes.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 2586 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 69
    Process event: No response to shutdown request. Process killed. (pid: 918, args:cub_admin copylogdb -L /home/cubrid/CUBRID- -m async devArchiveDB@archivecenter )

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 2638 CODE = -989 Tran = -1, EID = 70
    Process event: ready to deactivate heartbeat.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    nkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/executables/master_heartbeat.c, line 6125 ERROR CODE = -990 Tran = -1, EID = 71
    Command execution: deactivate. Success.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***
  • ?
    오명환 2022.05.13 08:45
    올려주신 로그를 확인해보니 ha_mode 미설정에 의한 오류가 아닌 cub_server로 부터 deactive messgae를 받아 deactive된 것이네요.
    cub_server가 이런 요청을 한 이유를 확인하려면 $CUBRID/log/server의 해당 DB 로그 확인이 필요합니다.
    해당 로그를 올려주시면 좀 더 파악해서 가이드 드리도록 하겠습니다.
  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.13 10:01
    log/server이하에 있는 해당 DB의 로그입니다.
    cubrid hb start 를 실행하면 실행시 올라오는 로그들입니다

    * access 로그
    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:37.802 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 3095 CODE = -972 Tran = 1, CLIENT = archivecenter:copylogdb(24774), EID = 3
    Program 'copylogdb' (pid 24774) was connected from the host 'archivecenter'. (transaction index 1)

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:38.450 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 3095 CODE = -972 Tran = 2, CLIENT = acdev-H81H3-M4:spacedb(16849), EID = 4
    Program 'spacedb' (pid 16849) was connected from the host 'acdev-H81H3-M4'. (transaction index 2)

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:38.911 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 3095 CODE = -972 Tran = 2, CLIENT = acdev-H81H3-M4:applylogdb(16843), EID = 5
    Program 'applylogdb' (pid 16843) was connected from the host 'acdev-H81H3-M4'. (transaction index 2)

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:43.454 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 3095 CODE = -972 Tran = 2, CLIENT = acdev-H81H3-M4:spacedb(16858), EID = 6
    Program 'spacedb' (pid 16858) was connected from the host 'acdev-H81H3-M4'. (transaction index 2)

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***

    * error 로그
    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:37.441 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/connection/server_support.c, line 2866 ERROR CODE = -970 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 1
    Server HA mode is changed from 'idle' to 'standby'.

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:37.442 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 262 CODE = -973 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 2
    Server status is UP.

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:46.012 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/connection/server_support.c, line 2866 ERROR CODE = -970 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 7
    Server HA mode is changed from 'standby' to 'to-be-active'.

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:47.922 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/connection/server_support.c, line 895 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 8
    Process event: Disconnected with the cub_master and will shut itself down.

    Time: 05/13/22 09:57:48.734 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 262 CODE = -973 Tran = 0
    Server status is DOWN.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***
  • ?
    오명환 2022.05.13 11:27
    올려주신 로그에서 이상한 점은 있습니다.
    - cubrid_ha.conf 설정은 master-slave 구성인데, master log의 archivecenter 상태가 replica로 되어 있습니다.
    혹시, archivecenter의 cubrid.conf의 ha_mode가 replica가 아닌지 확인해보세요.
    - CM(CubridManager) 또는 CA(CubridAdmin)에서 role change 요청하는 것으로 보이네요. 이 부분 확인 필요합니다.
    deactivate 요청은 외부 command가 아니면, timeout 또는 오류에 의해 발생하지는 않습니다.

    관련해서 몇가지 질문드립니다.

    (1) 현재 HA를 처음 구성중에 발생한 문제인지요 ?
    (2) 처음 구성이라면 어떤 형태로 구성하려는 건지 ?
    (2.1) master-slave 구성 ?
    (2.2) master-replica 구성 ?
  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.13 11:41
    master-replica 구성의 구성을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
    cubrid.conf 설정에서 아래와 같이 설정해 놨었는데 계속 마스터가 올라오지 않아서 ha_mode=on으로 변경해 봤으나 마찬 가지 상황이였습니다.
    현재 archivecenter 노드는 replica로 설정해 놓았습니다.
  • ?
    오명환 2022.05.13 12:48
    master-replica 구조이면 다음과 같이 cubrid.conf와 cubrid_ha.conf를 수정해서 수행해보세요.

    [master node]
    (1) cubrid.conf
    ha_mode =on
    (2) cubrid_ha.conf

    [replica node]
    (1) cubrid.conf
    (2) cubrid_ha.conf
    master와 동일
  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.13 13:22
    일단 알려 주신대로 마스터 쪽 설정을 해 놓아고 replica 서버는 heartbeat를 stop해 놓은 상태에서
    마스터 서버를 올려 봤습니다만 같은 결과입니다.
    ***마스터 cubrid.conf 설정입니다.


    ***마스터 cubrid_ha.conf 설정입니다.
    #ha_node_list= <!-- 이렇게 했더니 cubrid service start 가 안되어서 위에 node list는 그대로 유지 했습니다.

    *** log/server 에러 로그입니다.
    Time: 05/13/22 13:14:26.996 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/connection/server_support.c, line 2866 ERROR CODE = -970 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 1
    Server HA mode is changed from 'idle' to 'standby'.

    Time: 05/13/22 13:14:26.996 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 262 CODE = -973 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 2
    Server status is UP.

    Time: 05/13/22 13:14:37.933 - ERROR *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/connection/server_support.c, line 895 ERROR CODE = -989 Tran = 0, CLIENT = (unknown):(unknown)(-1), EID = 6
    Process event: Disconnected with the cub_master and will shut itself down.

    Time: 05/13/22 13:14:38.897 - NOTIFICATION *** file /home/jenkins/workspace/cubrid_release_10.1/src/transaction/boot_sr.c, line 262 CODE = -973 Tran = 0
    Server status is DOWN.

    *** The previous error message is the last one. ***
  • ?
    오명환 2022.05.13 15:23
    다음과 같이 conf 파일을 수정해서 수행보세요.
    수행하기전에 archivecenter node의 cubrid를 꼭 stop 하세요. (ps -ef | grep cub_master 로 확인해서 수행되고 있으면 kill로 stop 해주세요.)
    그리고 acdev-H81H3-M4 node에서도 cub_master 가 수행 중인지 확인 후 수행 중이면 kill stop 해 주신 후 cubrid hb start 를 수행하세요.

    [master node]
    (1) cubrid.conf
    ha_mode =on
    (2) cubrid_ha.conf

    [replica node]
    (1) cubrid.conf
    (2) cubrid_ha.conf
    master와 동일
  • ?
    samsam 2022.05.13 16:09
    알려주신대로 했으나 역시 같은 결과여서
    DB 새로 생성해서 처리했습니다.
    장시간 응답해 주셔서 감사합니다. ^^

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